Posted in Adulting, Blogging, Condo, Health, Writing Challenges

I almost missed Pepper Day!

It’s already been a full month since last Pepper Day and I don’t know where all that time went to. Although there was certainty a lot that happened since I last wrote on here.

I’ll start with the good news, we are fully moved into our new condo now! It is feeling more and more like home everyday and it is so wonderful to have all of our decorative items out again.

But then shortly after we finally got ourselves fully moved into the condo our car’s transmission FAILED while my husband was on the highway driving into work a couple of Fridays ago. He used our AAA membership and got it towed to the nearest garage. One of my dear friends gifted us the money for rental car while ours was in the shop.

Then last Sunday, the day before our car was supposed to be ready to picked up, my husband found out that one of his coworkers that he works in close quarters with tested positive for coronavirus, and we both had to quarantine while we waited for the results of his Covid test which he wasn’t able to get until Tuesday. (A week from his last likely exposure.)

So, he couldn’t go into work, but there were still a whole bunch of virtual meetings for him to attend throughout the week because he is on the committee that was planning this year’s virtual Staff Retreat.

The Staff Retreat happened today and it all went well and they all had a good time.

We also got his test results back today, even though we were told to expect it to take much longer. He tested negative. So he now gets to go back to working in person tomorrow. This week should have resulted in a lot of overtime, but since he had to quarantine, we’re just lucky he’s getting paid for 40 hours.

The missing overtime is going to hurt because fixing the car was ridiculously expensive and our first mortgage payment is due in a few days.

And speaking of our mortgage, we’re unsure who exactly we’re supposed to be paying it to.

When we signed all the paperwork we were informed that another mortgage company was going to be handling our mortgage than the one we initially worked with to get the loan. We’ve been in constant contact with that company and they don’t see us in their system, or they only partially see us.

Then today we got something in the mail from our original mortgage company telling us how much to pay them and when it was due.

From what we can tell, the second mortgage company will eventually be handling our mortgage and all our payments will go to them, but apparently the wheels of mortgage grind slowly and we should pay the original company until we get notified that the second company officially has our file.

This would have been really nice information to have during the closing…

So, to recap: we’ve moved in, our car has been fixed and my husband doesn’t have coronavirus.

Overall, I guess it hasn’t been all that horrible of a month.

5 thoughts on “I almost missed Pepper Day!

  1. Yay! I’m glad for the fixed car, the move in, and the negative test result but whoosh, it seems like a lot of energy for you to get to those good news bits, so I’m sending love. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I thank God that your husband is out of danger and you have repaired car now. All other things will fall in place. Be safe.

    Liked by 3 people

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